Studies of law (2010-2014), economics and business administration (2013-2016) and management (2016-2019) at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
Tutor in Corporate Governance and Auditing (2017-2019), student research assistant at the Chair of Corporate Governance and Auditing (2016-2019), and internships at international corporate law firms. Visiting researcher at the Copenhagen Business School (2023). Teaching support at the Mannheim Business School.
Since March 2019, research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Chair of Corporate Governance and Auditing at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
- Auditing
- Corporate Governance
- Auditor reputation
- Audit firm networks
- Auditor ratification
- Regulation of auditing in Europe
- Exercise Class: Auditing (M.Sc.)
- Exercise Class: Corporate Governance and Auditing (B.Sc.)
- Bachelor Seminar Theses
- Bachelor Theses
- Master Seminar Theses
- Master Theses
Research presentations:
- The Wirecard scandal – Do auditor reputational losses cross borders?, Research Seminar, European Accounting Research Network Seminar Series, Online, 29 November 2023.
- The Wirecard scandal – Do auditor reputational losses cross borders?, PhD workshop at the 12th European Accounting Research Network Symposium, Thessaloniki, Greece, 21 September 2023.
- The Wirecard scandal – Do auditor reputational losses cross borders?, Brown Bag Seminar, Mainz, Germany, 27 June 2023.
- The Wirecard scandal – Do auditor reputational losses cross borders?, Research Seminar, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 March 2023.
Working Paper:
Großeastroth, Melanie and Koch, Christopher, The Wirecard scandal – Does the loss of auditor reputation cross borders? (December 14, 2023). Available at SSRN:
Koch, Christopher & Melanie Großeastroth. 2022. Auswirkungen es Wirecard-Skandals auf die Reputation des Abschlussprüfers. Zeitschrift für Corporate Governance (ZCG), 17. Jg., S. 265-271.
Koch, Christopher, Melanie Großeastroth & Ann-Kristin Guth. 2020. Unabhängigkeitsanforderungen an Aufsichtsratsmitglieder nach dem neuen DCGK: Implikationen für Unternehmen. Betriebs-Berater (BB), 75. Jg. S. 555-559.
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